3 Digital Leaders Who Don’t Tolerate Uncertainty

These innovative digital bosses are breaking new ground in advertising, art dealing and consumer data.

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Across numerous industries, today’s digital transformation has shattered conventional gold standards and spawned a tidal wave of new opportunity, risk, and confusion.

This tsunami of turmoil has ripped across most industries, leaving many new and largely unproven alternatives in its wake. 

For instance, many investors have seen the legacy hedge fund investment model get suddenly replaced by unproven machine learning models based on algorithims; many consumer-driven businesses have been confronted by hit or miss digital marketing opportunities that unfortunately do not produce a reliable ROI. Meanwhile, local brick and mortar retailers have routinely seen their personal connections with local customer audiences fade.

Each and every one of these industries is left to wrestle with the same dilemma: Is there any concrete, certain way to achieve successful outcomes in this new, wild west-like digital marketplace?

Only recently have pioneers in the financial, marketing, and retail fields innovated concrete, reliable methods to ensure the same degree of success in the digital world. 

And intriguingly, some of the solutions that are delivering the best rest results are far from what you might expect.

Jeremy Larner

Investment tycoon Jeremy Larner, for instance, has come up with a remarkable strategy to bring the buying and selling of art into the sharing economy.

With an eye towards expanding the accessibility of contemporary art—and the financial gain that can be realized from its acquisition and sale—Larner has opened up the process of arbitrage to a consortium of lay investors who connect digitally to his company JKL Worldwide.

Leaning on Larner’s seasoned expertise as well as the unregulated arbitrage that typically collateralizes Larner’s purchases, clients of JKL Worldwide can participate in art trades that typically yield 400 percent the return of successful hedge fund investments.

For instance, within just the past five years, Larner and his investors have bought 159 pieces of art—from George Condo, to Keith Haring, to Alexander Calder, and Andy Warhol—averaging no less than an 81 percent return on investment across the entire inventory.

Larner is enabling the outside world to capitalize on his unique insider access and information and, for the first time, is making art’s elusive marketplace accessible to the public.

At the same time, new, dependable marketing methods are becoming available to consumer brands.

In the past few years, brands have frequently struggled with a lack of clarity concerning what digital methods (influencer marketing, SEO, Facebook ads, etc.) can dependably drive the highest growth and for which performance metrics (sales or brand awareness or Instagram growth).

Thomas Herd

It was with the intention of providing clarity to an important new industry fraught with confusion, that digital era thought-leader Thomas Herd has identified a series of concrete, scientific tactics that brands can lean on to deliver the new customer acquisitions and social media audiences they depend on.

Herd, CEO of the rapidly growing T1 Advertising and his team, in fact have engineered breakthrough solutions that enable brands to deliver on every key performance metric in the digital age—from sales to Instagram follower growth and viral digital content.

Following his proven formulas, young brands such as Koio, INIKA Organic, and APM Monaco have shot to global success and have become distinguished as new millennial brand leaders in the footwear, makeup, and jewelry industries respectively.

As the client ranks of T1 swell, more and more brands are now starting to command the power to write their own tickets in the digital marketplace.

In retail as well, brick and mortar businesses are also starting to muster control over their sustainability for the first time.

In particular, new mobile applications have developed simple solutions to enable brick and mortar businesses to identify, connect with, and retain local consumers through modern channels.

Jenna Hage Hassan

An example is Kee, a mobile app platform developed by Detroit entrepreneur Jenna Hage Hassan with the goal of informing Detroit businesses of local consumer interests in real time.

Kee identifies local consumer trends, weighs them according to volume of demand, and then presents local business owners with valuable data and insights so that they can curate offerings and experiences that most effectively fulfill demand and drive revenue.

But Kee is hardly just about helping businesses develop promotions and discounts.

“We set out to bridge the digital divide with Kee,” Hassan explains, “to make it easier for small businesses to use technology to drive traffic, while providing people with the community-based interaction they crave.”

Kee’s central mission—to remove the barrier that the digital market has erected between local retail business and their neighborhoods—is already starting to bring the city of Detroit closer together and foster a cultural renaissance that is earning international attention.
