5 Top Business Coaches and Consultants To Follow in 2023  

Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or just starting out, working with a top business coach or consultant can provide numerous benefits.

Presented by The Claudine Arthurs Agency

The guidance of a top business coach or consultant can provide a competitive edge. These professionals offer insights, strategies, and support to help improve decision-making skills, identify opportunities, and achieve goals. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or just starting out, working with a top business coach or consultant can provide numerous benefits to help you succeed and thrive in today’s marketplace.

Adam Lyons, Business Consultant

(Adam Lyons)

His business advice: Send a message out to your past customers and ask them, “What is the one thing that you wish we could help you with that we have not solved for you yet?” Turn whatever the most common answer is into an upsell you can offer. Effective upsells can increase gross revenue by 200% or more in the companies that develop them, yet less than 10% of American companies have yet to develop successful upselling systems in their company.

This is one of the first things I do when I consult for a company. Not only does it increase revenue in times of a downward economy, it also completely justifies my own fees which allows me to work further on the growth of the company in other areas.

Bio: Who would have thought that a janitor could be responsible for boosting the revenue of over 2,100+ small businesses since the 2020 pandemic? Adam Lyons has utilized his unique skills to help businesses thrive during these challenging times. And it’s not just small businesses that have benefited from his expertise. Some of the biggest brands in the world, including PepsiCo, Nike, Nescafé, and Discovery Digital Networks, have worked with Adam.

His impressive achievements have caught the attention of major news outlets, such as CNN, Forbes, the Today Show, and even the NY Post, cementing his status as one of the most sought-after business consultants. Currently, he resides outside of Austin with his family. 

Dr. Wayne Pernell, Exponential Success Coach

(Dr. Wayne Pernell)

His business advice: True success and significance come from building a culture of caring. Prioritize people; get to know what each team member wants and needs. In doing so, you build engagement and trust. Team members want to know that they’re contributing meaningfully and that you know that they’re doing so. While this sounds simple, it’s not always easy.

You’ve got to deliberately, actively, and positively seek to understand the unique needs and perspectives of each stakeholder including investors, suppliers, and the community. To cultivate what I call “Exponential Success,” as well as boost profitability and productivity, look to the three Vs: Values, Vision, and Vitality.

Bio: Dr. Wayne Pernell, The Exponential Success Coach, is an international speaker and highly-sought success coach for leaders and organizations. He is a two-time TEDx speaker (with views approaching 2M), Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, blogger, podcast host, and executive film producer. He holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has almost four decades of experience in helping accomplished leaders optimize their mind state and up-level their excellence. Dr. Pernell is the founder and president of DynamicLeader®, Inc.

He is a member of the Forbes Business Council as well as the New York State Business Council. He has been featured in the Television series SpeakUp and is regularly featured on radio, podcasts, TV, and top publications across the country.

Rebecca C. Morrison, Executive Happiness Coach

Her Advice: Happiness is not a side effect of success, it’s a cause. In our achievement-focused world, we often assume that happiness will arrive when we’ve accomplished our goals. And we’re disappointed when it doesn’t. Drawing on my experience as a former biglaw lawyer-turned-happiness coach, I’ve learned the importance of prioritizing personal happiness and living in alignment with your priorities. Through navigating the challenges of balancing career success with personal fulfillment, I strongly believe that prioritizing well-being (beyond wellness) is crucial for achieving success.

But happiness isn’t just a driver of individual success, it’s important to organizational success as well. Organizations can tap in to the power of happiness by creating a positive and supportive work culture, investing in employee engagement and development, and recognizing the importance of purpose and meaning for individual satisfaction and organizational performance. Ultimately, happiness is one of the highest-value investments you can make individually and in the workplace.

Bio: Rebecca C. Morrison is a Happiness Coach who holds a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center and is working towards a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology from The Flourishing Center. Her unique background as a practicing attorney and administrator in biglaw and finance gives her a valuable perspective on the challenges of balancing a successful career with personal fulfillment. In addition to her work as a coach, Morrison is the author of the bestselling book The Happiness Recipe: A Powerful Guide to Living What Matters. She helps individuals and organizations untangle happiness through coaching, workshops, and speaking engagements.

Jake Tatel, Leadership and Executive Coach

(Jake Tatel)

His advice: Becoming a great leader is a lifelong journey that requires continuous development and commitment to improvement. By embracing this idea, you can achieve executive presence and inspire greatness in others. Seek feedback from peers, mentors, coaches and employees to grow and improve, and surround yourself with individuals who challenge your thinking and speak truthfully. This approach will not only help you become a better leader but also create a positive impact on those around you. Remember, leadership is not just a destination but a journey of growth and self-improvement.

Bio: Jake Tatel is a seasoned executive leadership coach with over thirty years of experience in global sales and marketing leadership roles. For much of his career, Jake served as a leadership coach at Intel Corporation, one of the world’s largest silicon and microprocessor manufacturers, where he coached both emerging and established executives to realize their full potential.

In addition to his coaching expertise, Jake has led diversity and inclusion initiatives and developed leadership and career development programs to attract and retain high-potential employees. He brings a wealth of insight to his coaching practice, drawing from a broad spectrum of leadership positions he has held throughout his career. He specializes in supporting his clients to align their professional lives with their values and priorities and achieve their goals by improving their skills in management, communication, conflict resolution, and navigating transitions. Follow Jake on Linkedin to learn more about his extensive coaching experience and achievements.

Pete Kusiak – Franchise Specialist and Workplace Fun Ambassador

(Pete Kusiak)

His Advice: Want to know the best-kept secret to business success? Have fun! Forget the old adage of  “work hard, play hard”. Instead, work hard and have fun at the same time—you don’t have to wait for success to start enjoying yourself. The real magic happens when you have fun while working hard. Embrace what you find fun and make it a part of your business.

As a team member, take on more tasks that bring you joy, even if others don’t share the same enthusiasm. As a leader, find ways to infuse fun into your team’s work and constantly ask yourself, “How can I make this enjoyable for my team, customers, products, and services?” If you’re an entrepreneur, consider which business opportunity will provide you with the most fun and fulfilling lifestyle. Avoid wasting your time and energy on a toxic business that’ll suck you dry. The bottom line, figure out what’s fun for you and bring that into your professional life.

Bio: Pete Kusiak is a dynamic and innovative franchise professional who ensures that fun is always integrated into his solutions! With over two decades of success coaching franchisors and franchisees, his strategies have helped businesses to experience phenomenal growth in both revenue and employee engagement.

Pete loves finding creative ways to make organizations fun and appealing, which in turn motivates people, improves company culture, increases sales, and grows operations—all while still delivering key performance goals. Pete lives in Charlotte, North Carolina and his idea of fun is enjoying time with his wife and four amazing children, running (Pete is a 15-time marathon finisher, including 3 Abbott World Marathon Majors), and sipping on Rum Punch and Mai Tais in the Caribbean. Pete is a proud team member at The Entrepreneurs Source, focusing on franchisor/franchisee relationships, and is currently contributing to a cutting-edge coaching resource for the Franchisor Community. He holds certifications in happiness coaching and human resources consulting.
