5 Ways To Slow The Signs Of Aging
Healthy sleep, working out, and doctor-prescribed hormone replacement therapy can all help delay the effects of aging.

Presented by Ascend Agency
Aging is a normal part of life. Everybody experiences it, and its processes are entirely normal.
There’s much to be said about ageism, the discrimination of individuals based on their age. Discriminatory practices at both the societal and institutional level, as well as the tendency towards the perpetuation of stereotypes, have led to many people downright fearing older age.
This anxiety can be detrimental to mental health and cause afflicted individuals to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. Acceptance of aging is a normal part is crucial for maintaining good mental health. However, there’s no denying that old age also comes with some rather unpleasant side effects.
As people age, several health conditions and disorders become more frequent, including osteoarthritis, diabetes, cataracts and hearing loss. But there are activities, habits and dietary changes that can mitigate the effects of aging.
A Healthy Sleep Routine
Good sleep is critical to maintaining your overall health. While you doze off, your body repairs itself, healing from the damage sustained throughout the day. The lack of an adequate sleep routine and sleep deprivation are common problems. Hectic schedules, work and responsibilities can keep you occupied until late at night. And while not getting between seven and nine hours per night every now and then most likely won’t affect you in the long run, doing so habitually is bound to leave you struggling with some health issues.
Missing out on sleep can impact your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to acute infections and chronic illnesses. Sleeping well also keeps you looking younger, as it improves skin elasticity and helps you maintain a healthy body weight.
Hormone Therapy
Hormone deficiencies are, unfortunately, a common problem in older adults. In men, this means low testosterone levels, a condition that affects overall health and well-being. If you are dealing with obstructive sleep apnea, kidney or liver disorders, or system illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, you have a higher chance of being affected. According to data, nearly 10% of men aged 50 to 79 are dealing with low testosterone.
And while hormone replacement therapy can address the issue, it’s vital that you don’t begin treatment without discussing it with a physician first. Thankfully there are many TRT clinics that have experience in hormone imbalances, one such clinic being Balance My Hormones.
After starting treatment, you’re likely to notice a decrease in your anxiety levels, improved confidence, higher energy and better focus and concentration. Your bone density levels will improve, and you’ll have an easier time completing daily tasks. If you believe that your hormones may be out of balance, it’s essential to talk to a medical professional in order to get an accurate diagnosis and commence treatment as soon as possible.
Look After Your Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It acts as a barrier that protects you from aggressors. Sunlight, very hot or cold weather and pollution can all have a negative effect on your skin’s appearance. The way your skin looks is a good indicator of your age, so if you haven’t thought about protecting your skin so far, now’s the time to start. If you’re a smoker, you should consider quitting. It is notoriously bad for your whole body, and its effects are no less detrimental when it comes to your skin.
Protect your skin with sunscreen every time you go outside, and don’t forget to reapply throughout the day. Exposure to ultraviolet light leads to sunburns, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, increasing your overall risk of developing severe, possibly life-threatening skin conditions. A dermatologist can offer you a complete treatment that works best for you based on your skin’s particular needs.
Moisturizers and retinoids are standard solutions used to make wrinkles less noticeable, but you need to arm yourself with patience when you begin using them. You’ll most likely start to see the first results after six weeks at least, with the most significant part of the progress only noticeable after three months.
Work Out
Getting in plenty of movement is important throughout your life. Unfortunately, most older adults tend to neglect the importance of exercise. This is a mistake because staying active helps maintain your strength and endurance, which in turn keeps you healthy. You don’t need to hit the gym immediately, just start slowly and build a steady routine.
Walking and gardening are exercises as well. You must aim for at least half an hour each day, then push yourself a bit after you’ve built sufficient endurance. If 30 minutes is too much for the beginning, you can split the workouts throughout the day into 15- or 10-minute sessions.
Mental Health
Older adults are more prone to depression and low self-esteem. While these problems usually don’t cause physical damage, they impact your overall quality of life. Unfortunately, being in a rut is a common problem as you age, and following the same routine and patterns, day in and day out, can leave you feeling exhausted and like you’ve lost all your energy.
It’s helpful to shake things up a bit every now and then. Try breaking out of your schedule by finding a new hobby or developing a new skill. If you’ve retired, you might benefit from finding some temporary work or a part-time job. Making these changes can boost your mental health, and although they seem insignificant, their effect on your mood and psyche is actually quite substantial.
While there’s no secret fountain of youth, that doesn’t mean you can’t be healthy and enjoy yourself during your golden years. It’s all about developing some healthy habits and learning to look after yourself well.