8 Top Dating Coaches & Matchmakers To Follow In 2023

These dating experts are here to answer the questions their clients ask them the most.

Presented by The Claudine Arthurs Agency

Navigating the dating world can be overwhelming and confusing, especially when you’re not sure what to say or do. That’s where dating coaches and matchmakers come in. They provide guidance and advice to help their clients overcome challenges and find love. But what are the most common questions that their clients ask? To find out, we’ve reached out to 8 top dating coaches and asked them to answer the question they’ve heard the most.

Megan Weks, Dating & Relationship Coach

(Megan Weks)

How do I deal with rejection in dating, and not let it affect my confidence and self-esteem?

I recommend that my clients reframe rejection as an opportunity for growth and learning, instead of perceiving it as a personal failure or flaw. I support clients on moving toward rejection, even seeking it, which helps them to deepen their authenticity and sense of fun while exploring options.

It’s important to remember that rejection is a natural part of dating, and not everyone will be a good match for you. It’s also important to avoid taking rejection personally, and not let it define your self-worth or value as a person. Instead, try to learn from the experience, and use it to refine your dating strategy or gain a better understanding of your own needs and desires. A coach can help you move through the ups and downs of love seeking with much more clarity and serenity.

Megan Weks is a celebrated international dating coach known for her unique strategies to help people find love in the modern dating world. She helps people tap into their own value and turn insecurities into tools to create an abundance of options. Megan’s signature process “The Manfunnel” has been featured in top publications such as; Forbes, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and on television across the US. Megan’s clients report successful relationships swiftly after utilizing her signature process.

Emily Freeman, Dating & Attraction Coach

(Emily Freeman)

Why can I attract women, but not the one I actually want?

Men who are high performers do not believe in settling for anything less than the best in any area in their lives, especially their love lives. And if you aren’t able to get past the first couple of dates with a woman you’re into, it’s because you have a subconscious belief you have to achieve love.

Successful men can be confident in all other areas of their lives, but when they are subconsciously blocked in love, they overthink because they’re trying to win her over. Some of the most intelligent and driven men can continue reliving the same disheartening dating experiences because they resort to what they know, achieving. But what works in business does not work in love.

When you’re in the energy of achievement, she doesn’t feel safe, and polarity can’t build. This perpetuates a cycle of chasing women. You either want her, but end up killing attraction by overinvesting and over-giving. Or get her, and find a reason to leave. I like to call it the “dating merry-go-round.” 

If you want a high-value woman who enhances your life, you cannot break this cycle with tactics. The only way to fix this is by identifying and transcending the subconscious thought patterns blocking you from experiencing true intimacy. The work I do focuses on empowering you to break free of these insecurities and doubts around love so you can build attraction naturally with your dream woman.

Remember: You have to believe you’re worthy of a woman like her to get her.

Emily Freeman is the leading dating coach for driven men who want to attract their dream woman. She is the creator of Masculine in Love and has been named in Yahoo! Finance and LA Weekly as one of the top dating coaches in the world. Her clientele includes public figures, CEOs, and high-performing men looking to become their most empowered selves in dating and get everything they desire in love.

Lloyd Dixon, Dating Expert for Men

(Lloyd Dixon)

Where is the best place to meet high-quality women?

The best place depends on YOU, your area and the kind of woman you want. Some areas like dating apps, and yoga studios seem to have plenty of options but can leave men feeling invisible or like a creep. Men are most attractive in environments doing things they genuinely enjoy doing. What works for each guy can be different. And even if you feel like you’re too busy there is always time. Many of my clients work 60-hour weeks, it’s all how you structure your time.

If you like working out, instead of lifting weights with your AirPods in, try a HIIT class with a smoothie bar, they’ll be packed full of fit women that will all see your face. If you make coffee every morning, try taking 10 extra minutes to walk to the local coffee shop, and possibly run into a cute stranger.

And finally, if you enjoy giving back to your community, make an appearance at your local charity organization. Little changes like these, which show your best side and don’t take up too much time from your schedule, are what I use to create a custom weekly plan for each client, so they are not only meeting the women they want to date but also attracting them.

Lloyd, founder of theSingleGuy LLC, is one of the leading experts helping single, driven men with practical and actionable advice. He has helped thousands improve their social skills and confidently date women they never thought possible. He used to be a self-described nerd who struggled with social interactions, but after almost a decade of working on himself, he was able to achieve the dating life he had always dreamed of. Now he helps men achieve the same abundance and happiness with women daily through his various coaching programs. Lloyd’s advice works for everyone, especially busy professionals who are tired of settling for less.

Mark Sing, NLP Dating Coach for Men

(Mark Sing)

How do I muster the courage to approach women? 

The key is to start small by doing what I call “Approach and Eject.” You approach people you’re not attracted to with a simple question such as, “Where did you get that Starbucks coffee?” or “Which way is the train station?” and then you eject with a simple thank you. As you get better at this you realize most people are extremely friendly when you’re friendly to them, and you get the belief, “Strangers are friends I haven’t met yet.” Once you reach that stage—which happens at about 25 approaches for most of my clients—then you start approaching women you ARE attracted to and use the same “Approach and Eject” strategy.

After roughly 25 more approaches your mind will finally get out of what I call “screensaver mode” and you’ll be able to think on your feet. At that time you start “stacking” attraction-building techniques onto the initial opener to build attractive conversations. I teach my clients NOT to hit on women. Instead, we learn how to build conversations that make her attracted to us first. This is the best way to both defeat approach anxiety and eliminate all rejection.   

Mark Sing is a Dating Coach, NLP expert, and the host of the wildly successful Unapologetic Man Podcast which has over 2 million downloads and a cult-like following. With over 20 years of coaching experience, Mark specializes in helping men from various backgrounds meet and date more women by reprogramming and replacing negative belief systems in their subconscious mind with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He has also created some of the most copied and mimicked dating techniques and strategies on the Internet, boasting client success rates that are among the highest in the industry.

Katy Clark – Matchmaker and Expert Dating Coach

(Katy Clark)

What is the opposite sex looking for?

The quick answer is “chemistry,” but that alone is not going to sustain a relationship. In my experience, men tend to be attracted to women who are fit, fun, and feminine. They often appreciate women who are confident, and kind and have their own interests and hobbies.

Women, on the other hand, are often attracted to men who have a strong sense of purpose, ambition and put in the effort to pursue them. They appreciate men who have strong emotional intelligence, and can communicate openly and honestly. It’s crucial to remember that attraction plays an important role at the beginning of a relationship. However, in order to build a solid and healthy partnership, both individuals need to prioritize what I call the 5 Cs: communication, compromise, connection, compatibility, and chemistry. By focusing on these essential elements, couples can build a foundation for a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship.

Katy Clark is a sought-after luxury matchmaker to the elites and can be found at the Cinqe.com Matchmaking firm. Drawing from the breadth of her international living and relational knowledge, she is able to provide personalized matching services and coaching programs to top elites, celebrities and successful singles based on their specific needs and goals. Her impressive resume includes multiple languages, Shape Magazine’s America’s 50 hottest trainers and appearing on season 7 of The Next Food Network Star.  She also hosts the Dating With Katy” podcast that is one of the hottest and most honest dating podcasts out there! You can check out Katy’s dating programs on her website, datingwithkaty.com.

Ruby Le, Dating Coach for Introverted Men

(Ruby Le)

How can I attract someone if I’m nerdy, introverted, and labeled as the “Nice Guy”?

There’s a misconception of having to be the bad boy to get a date. In reality, you don’t want to be the bad boy, who is overly cocky and disrespectful. But, you also don’t want to be the nice guy, who lacks confidence & seeks validation.

You want to be the good guy. A confident, kind, and authentic man. Being nerdy and introverted are positive traits. You want to learn to accept yourself for who you are without seeking approval from others. It’s about embracing your strengths, weaknesses, mistakes, and achievements. That is the first step towards confidence, attraction, understanding dating strategies, and women.

Ruby Le is a dating coach who helps good-intentioned men find and maintain love using a customized strategy that allows them to be themselves. She is widely known as the Modern Day “Hitch” and has worked with renowned matchmaking firms like It’s Just Lunch and eH+ by eHarmony, where she served as the lead matchmaker and coach. Ruby has a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from USC and extensive experience in mental health, working specifically with couples. She has also given a popular TEDx talk about why people remain single. Currently, Ruby is also the co-founder of Vera.Social, a platform that fosters genuine conversations based on people’s true selves. Combining her matchmaking experience and marital counseling training, Ruby provides clients with the most effective and reliable strategies for finding lasting love. 

Carrie Prince – Dating Coach and Consultant

(Carrie Prince)

Why do people match with me or say hi, and then never respond?

Ah, the classic ghosting question. So many of my clients want to understand the “why” behind someone’s behavior early on, but the truth is, we almost always won’t know and it doesn’t matter. It might not even be a “someone” behind that match. If they’re not engaging, it’s time to move on. They’re either not real or not ready—”real” meaning they might not be a legitimate person representing their true self on the app, or they don’t have a genuine interest in dating; and “ready” meaning they aren’t ready for an authentic dating experience yet, or they aren’t committed to the process.

Dating apps invite all sorts of ulterior motives and passive behaviors. Don’t give those profiles another second of your brain space. What we can control is how we react and choose to feel based on our experience, so a better way to think about it is—who IS responding and why? 

Carrie Prince, is the founder of You Can Date Better and a MBA-educated Certified Professional Coach (CPC). She focuses on mindset shifts for singles in the dating world and management leadership space. She transforms classic business frameworks into practical dating techniques that help clients understand modern dating behaviors, communication strategies, and how to manage expectations while showing up as their authentic selves and focusing on core values. With a decade of online dating research and a bucketful of loving humor, Carrie works with individuals and groups to stay present, build resilience, and find love on and offline.

Diana Mandell, Relationship Consultant  

(Diana Mandell)

I’ve been out of the dating game for a while, how do I get back into it?

Getting back into dating after some time can feel daunting, overwhelming, and intimidating. Whether you’ve been out of the dating scene due to a breakup, personal reasons, or simply hadn’t had the time to date, it’s normal to feel anxious or uncertain about getting back out there.

With a bit of priming and the right mindset, you can navigate the dating world with confidence and find someone who is a good match for you. Before diving back into dating, it’s important to take some time to reflect on your past relationships. Think about what worked and what didn’t work, what you want in a partner, and what you can offer in a relationship. This will help you to avoid repeating the same mistakes and to approach dating with a clearer idea of what you’re looking for.

It’s normal to feel a bit rusty or unsure of yourself when you haven’t dated for a while. To build up your confidence, try practicing positive self-talk and setting small goals for yourself. For example, you might set a goal to strike up a conversation with a stranger or to go on a first date within a certain timeframe. Celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small they may seem. Try to keep an open mind with an open heart during your journey.

Diana Mandell is a renowned celebrity relationship consultant and psychotherapist, known for her unique approach to helping people transform their lives from the bedroom to the boardroom. After struggling with her own dating life, she went back to school and earned her license in psychotherapy, graduating from a top-10 school. She walks her clients through what she calls “The Emotional Shifting Process” to eliminate emotional residue from past experiences that can weigh them down and limit their potential. She’s been featured on NBC, Forbes, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, and other top media. Diana’s book “It’s Not Them, It’s You” explains how her clients achieve success and helps readers identify what’s holding them back from the life they desire. Diana’s clients are experiencing transformations in love, family, friendship, finances, health, and increased confidence.
