Alternative Ways Of Accumulating Wealth That Your Parents Never Knew About

From capitalizing on joint ventures and affiliate partnerships to monetizing upward trends in internet use, there are plenty of emerging approaches to striking it rich.

(Gary Vaynerchuk)

Presented by Unstoppable Branding Agency

There are multiple paths to wealth – some of them have worked for decades, others have only emerged recently. However, there is always room for something new, including new ways of thinking and accumulating capital. From capitalizing on joint ventures and affiliate partnerships to monetizing the fact that internet use has soared by 70 percent since the start of the pandemic, there are plenty of emerging approaches to striking it rich — and many of them would be news to your parents. 

Realizing the shift in the way people do business, Gary Vaynerchuk, or Gary Vee for short, decided to step away from the accepted norms and tap into the potential of now when he launched VaynerMedia a decade ago. Over the years, the customer-centric branding agency has masterminded hugely successful social media campaigns, but not at the expense of providing tailored one-on-one services. Vaynerchuk explains, “We are a modern mix of traditional Madison Avenue thinkers of yesterday and internet-centric storytellers of today who believe a single tweet can go all the way to a Super Bowl commercial.”

Vaynerchuk says that the secret behind VaynerMedia’s success is this marriage of old-school values and modern technology. The business guru and best-selling author of Crush It and Jab, Jab Right Hook, Vaynerchuk is adamant that there has never been a better time to shift perspectives on ways to accumulate wealth. The following leaders in their respective fields are a case in point. All have taken different elements of Vaynerchuk entrepreneurial strategy to build their own business success.

Leverage the Power of One-On-One Time

(Ajello Susmiran)

According to Vaynerchuk, trying to compete on volume can be a tedious game. The CEO of the Champion Academy Ed JC Smith agrees, believing that in a world of overwhelm, coaches and consultants need to change their tactics. “If you want to generate paid clients every month and you can help someone get to their outcome then the quickest and easiest service to sell today to accumulate wealth is your one-to-one time,” he says. “Everyone wants personalization today — they want to speak to a real person.”

Smith’s venture The Champion Academy offers training programs that teach coaches and entrepreneurs how to sign up paying clients without breaking a sweat. And he certainly knows what he is talking about. Highlighting that just like most people who buy a book will never read it, Smith says that most people who buy courses with no support never even access the program they purchased. And this isn’t good for anybody. “So with this said, start selling personalized one-to-one, transition into a group coaching program but keep that personalized touch. If you do that you will be head and shoulder above the rest of the market,” he says.

Think Outside the Constraints of Your Existing Market and Pricing

(Lawrence Ellyard)

Vaynerchuk believes that you should never limit yourself. So does Lawrence Ellyard, the CEO of IICT. In particular, they both maintain that you should promote your goods and services in new markets and territories, and look to replicate your business in complimentary industries.

“And never underestimate the power of mobilizing your existing customers to join your salesforce,” Ellyard says. “Capitalize on joint-ventures and affiliate partnerships to expand your operations into new territories and ensure all parties receive a generous share in the revenue.” 

Ellyard also believes that promoting a flat structure within your organization and team can lead to new creative ideas. “Your team can come up with a multitude of ideas and creative thinking. Never underestimate the power of collective genius,” he says. “And promote your offering and usual price points but where possible offer a premium service or product that is 10 times more than your standard product or service, there will always be a few clients that will purchase the best, irrespective of price.”

Tap Into Your Inner Energy

(Amy Bingham)

Vaynerchuk knows all too well that self-sabotage can stand in the way of success. As such, he believes that it is important to check yourself before trying to conjure what wealth will feel like in 2022 and the years to come.

This is precisely what the founder of Lean Into Your Glow LLC, Amy Bingham, advocates. “When you are in full alignment with your soul, abundance and wealth will naturally flow in your space. Being wealthy means you have a positive net worth in all areas of your life; mind, body, and soul,” she says.

According to the coach and healer, who uses her expertise to help others release negative thought patterns through her Lean Into Your Glow program, it’s when you are serving others that 

you tap into the overflow of abundance for resources and connections. “When you can reside in the energy of pure peace, where fear, judgment, and self-sabotage can’t exist. Only then will you be aligned with the full divine soul expression of opulence. This is where true wealth lies.”

Utilize the Power of Social Media 

(Blair Kaplan)

Whether it’s Twitter or LinkedIn, Vaynerchuk is the heavyweight champion of social media. And so is the President of Blair Kaplan Communications Blair Kaplan Venables. The social media marketing expert who helps others reach their business goals says that the cultivation of clout is the new currency that determines wealth. “With clout comes thought leadership, influence, and the ability to empower others,” she emphasized.

According to her, the most successful way to increase this wealth is to keep planting your seeds of knowledge on social media so that you can watch your following and credibility grow. At the same time, Kaplan is quick to point out that disconnecting is just as important as connecting. “Step away from technology once in a while. Go outside, breathe the fresh air, feel the grass beneath your feet. This disconnect will help you be even more creative and productive when you get back to the screen.”

Don’t Be Afraid to Take the Path Less Traveled 

Vaynerchuk didn’t make his millions by following in the footsteps of others. He was bold and confident, risking it all to venture into uncharted territory. This is exactly what the founder of MPowered Voice Publishing and co-owner of Magnetic FM with Robert J Moore. Marianne Padjan teaches her clients. “It’s always easier to follow someone who has already been there and done that. But a lot of what is required is the confidence to move forward with a great idea,” she says.

Unfortunately, Padjan also believes that most people are too uncomfortable to step out of their comfort zone and miss out on opportunities. This is where her services can help. “A coach is a perfect person to encourage you and help lead you to your greatness. I am the person to help you at the time and when you are ready to explore, release and empower your inner self into a more confident and successful you.”

Always Diversify Your Content Through Different Platforms

(Moon Maison)

Just like Vaynerchuk, Influencer and Life Coach, Moon Maison, believes that everyone has something to teach the world. “Everyone has a story and message to share with their audience. They have a unique perspective that they can deliver in their own special way.” She believes that investing in your personal development is the key to success, she says, “Most people carry deep-rooted negative beliefs around success, money, and wealth. If you want to manifest abundance and wealth, you must let go of these beliefs to attract it into your life.”

Having a large social media influence, Maison advised it’s essential to always spread out your content in different platforms for better reach  “There are so many great platforms for creators to leverage their following. I think it’s smarter to diversify your content through 3 or more different income-generating platforms. Subscriptions are pivotal for any influencer on the road to accumulating wealth,” Maison shared.
