How Rene Rodriguez Applies Behavioral Neuroscience To Leadership

René has been researching and applying behavioral neuroscience to solve leadership challenges for the past 30 years

(Rene Rodriguez)

Presented by Digital Nod

There is a science determining how we behave—interactions, exchanges, and patterns taking place within our brains that determine the actions we take and, in short, the life we create for ourselves. Leaders often find themselves in situations that test the best of their abilities to cope and solve and grow simultaneously. For such discerning moments, it’ll pay to know your brain’s inner workings and put them to good use.

This is where René Rodriguez comes into the picture. René has been researching and applying behavioral neuroscience to solve leadership challenges for the past 30 years. Drawing the juice from his vast wealth of knowledge and experience, René shows us how to use behavioral neuroscience to solve leadership problems.

Recent technological developments have gotten us closer to our brains. While it may sound like an oxymoron, since our brain is inside of us, we carry it everywhere we go. Interestingly, this physical intimacy is no judge of how well we actually know it. Although experience is a great way to get to know how we think, the host can change these patterns in real time if they understand the science behind those thoughts.

René says, “The brain is a sophisticated organ, and we get to experience little of it in our daily affairs. Leaders, of course, depend on it a lot more than others. Behavioral neuroscience helps them better understand how their brain, behavior, and environment interacts. Understanding this holy trinity will help them develop different degrees of empathy. It’ll also help them mold their surroundings in ways that benefit the larger goals. It can help them hone their tools of perception and decision-making, the very factors that determine whether you’ll fail or succeed as a leader.”

In an ideal world, leaders truly represent the best of humanity, intending to uplift those they lead while recognizing their efforts in helping him/her achieve his/her own goals.

“The value of this healthy exchange forms the core of overcoming leadership challenges through behavioral neuroscience. Leaders become better at understanding their potential and that of their employees. They learn to keep their egos aside and help others deal better with their shortcomings. In the end, understanding the brain liberates a true leader from their weaknesses and helps the organization benefit from his/her open mind.”

To find out more about Rene Rodriguez, please visit his Instagram @LearnWithRene and his website:
