This Matte-Black Plymouth ‘Kuda’ Is a Sinister Powerhouse
A bad boy fit for the “Mad Max” universe.

Weta Workshop isn’t a household name but you’ve seen their work in Lord of the Rings, Avatar, and Elysium. With a special effects pedigree that includes his work for Weta, then, designer Aaron Beck has a kind of carte blanche to put his mind to whatever he thinks is cool. Like this killer pet project, the Kuda.

It was born a 1973 Plymouth Barracuda, but inspiration from his work on Mad Max Fury Road led Beck to put this intense matte-black finish on the Kuda’s stripped-down chassis and jump under the hood to kick ass with its already potent V8.

So—Beck’s Kuda has 500hp worth of get up and go and pulls 444 fp torque. All of this within a design that is deceptively light (for a Plymouth Barracuda, anyway) due to Beck’s stripping away all cabin amenities, leaving just a driver’s seat and roll cage.

Learn more about the Kuda, Beck, and his other projects here: