Nissan Reimagines Working From Anywhere With Caravan Office Pod and Rooftop Deck Concept Van

Nissan has envisioned the mobile office of the future.


Nissan is rolling with the rise of remote workers. With their NV350 caravan office pod, the Japanese automaker has ginned up a vehicle concept aimed at business professionals as much as nature lovers.

Nissan took one of their NV350 “Urvan” passenger vehicles and turned it into a comfortable workspace you can control with your smartphone. It’s retractable, too—easily extended from the rear of the NV350 and furnished with a killer workstation roomy enough to hold an iMac and trick out with one of Herman Miller’s luxury office chairs.


It’s a fluid, flexible concept that would amount to taking your office wherever you want. Ever wanted to Zoom into the next all-hands meeting with pines behind you and a tent in the background? This concept would let you fulfill that wish.


The NV350’s exterior was fitted with fenders and graphics that would be at home in the wild without necessarily looking too out-of-place in an office park. Unless that is, you prefer working or just relaxing on the roof balcony Nissan included in the design. Having lunch atop your van would look a little crazy in a business district. 

Still, with an eye toward truly working anywhere, Nissan also incorporated a clear panel in the floor of the office compartment to really add to the feeling of getting work done with nature just an arm’s length away.


Nissan presented this concept at the Tokyo Auto Salon as part of their Customize 2021 initiative. 

Will this be available in the wild anytime soon? That remains to be seen, but it doesn’t look like the huge shift to remote working enforced by the coronavirus is going to rebound back to normal office life, either. This might be a concept now, but could be the work from anywhere standard before you know it.
