The Classic Vespa Has Been Reimagined With 6 Eye-Popping Concept Images
Awesome or abomination?

How many customized vintage BMWs redone with knobby scrambler tires do we really need? Where are the truly imaginative custom bikes, builds that go where no two-wheeler has gone before? They are in Leeds, England apparently, home of Jennings Harley-Davidson, a motorcycle dealer that has imagined ‘what-if’ using Vespa scooters as the starting point.
So, what if they built a chopper-inspired Vespa? You’d get something that looks like the tangerine dream shown above.

But wait, there’s more! How about a sport bike Vespa, complete with wind-cheating bodywork for high-speed performance? Then you’ll want to see this red-and-white beauty.

Vespas can do knobbies too, but in a motocross theme rather than the over-done scrambler style.

But if you really must see a BMW boxer twin, well here’s what it would look like crammed into the Vespa’s stamped sheetmetal chassis.

Maybe you’re ready to saddle up and get away from it all. Then you’ll want a touring bike, complete with comfy seats and plenty of luggage space. Just plan for your trip to take a while at Vespa scooter speeds.

Eventually, evil government regulators will pry our internal combustion crotch rockets from our cold, dead hands. When that happens, we’ll be left with electric dreams of rides like the Tron light cycle, and Jennings is ready with Tron’s own Vespa. So maybe the future won’t be so bad after all.