Conor McGregor Confirms He Definitely Will Box Floyd Mayweather and ‘Shock the World’

He picked the perfect day for the announcement.

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If you believe Conor McGregor, it looks like the fight with Floyd Mayweather is all but official, now. Attending a St. Patrick’s Day boxing match at Madison Square Garden between his countryman Michael Conlan and Timothy Ibarra (which Conlan easily won), McGregor spoke with the Los Angeles Times about the boxing vs. UFC matchup. He seemed to leave little room for the skepticism that’s dogged the idea in the past.

“I’m ready to box,” he told the Times, “I’ve been ready for a long time. The game’s going to be in shock when I step in the ring. Trust me on that.”

McGregor also indicated to the LA paper that September may be when it goes down. “That’s what the word is,” he said, “That’s what we’re close to doing.”

McGregor also approached other members of the media during the Conlan/Ibarra match and boasted that he is “the boxing guy.”

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Conor McGregor swag walking ftw

“Watch me take over boxing,” he reportedly said, “Trust me on that…Nobody in this boxing game knows what’s coming. When I step in there, I’m going to shock the whole … world. Twenty eight years of age, confident as a mother, long, rangy, dangerous with every hand. I’m going to stop Floyd and you’re all going to eat your words.” 

All this may explain why Dana White said in a recent interview that the match will happen, after expressing a good deal of skepticism in the past.

As for McGregor, he spent the rest of St. Patrick’s Day resting and drinking tea in a quiet New York hotel room. 

Nah, just kidding, he went out and partied his ass off, according to TMZ.

We’ll still believe it when we see it, but it finally seems like there’s some real fire under all the smoke these guys have been blowing for months on end. 

h/t LAT

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