ESPN Host: Notre Dame’s Leprechaun Should be the Next Racist Mascot to Go

Is this mascot offensive?

ESPN talking head Max Kellerman whipped up a frenzy on Tuesday when he said the University of Notre Dame should follow the lead of the Cleveland Indians and ditch its “Fighting Irish” mascot.

“Man Irish Americans are not offended, but many are,” Kellerman said of the “fighting Irish” leprechaun logo and the green-clad mascot dancing around on the sidelines of the team’s games. 

“Should that also change? The answer is yes. Unequivocally yes. Pernicious, negative stereotypes of marginalized people, that offend, even some among them, should be changed. It’s not that hard. 

MLB Network’s Brian Kenny was one of the few to support Kellerman’s point of view. On Twitter Kenny suggested that anyone who claims to have never met someone offended by Notre Dame’s mascot can claim that no longer.

Kenny explained himself, calling leprechaun cartoons “subhuman and offensive.” When a fellow Irishman replied that the leprechaun isn’t offensive, Kenny elaborated further.

Despite Kenny’s support, there were many people not on Kellerman’s side.

On One Foot Down, a Notre Dame site on SBNation, Joshua Vowels writes that this is a tired argument to Notre Dame fans who are sick of seeing their school dragged into a debate that it has no place in. 

This is simply a non-issue. If it was an issue, wouldn’t there have been a massive (or smallish) protest in Ireland back in 2012 when Notre Dame played the Navy Midshipmen in Dublin? Instead, Notre Dame was welcomed and treated like National heroes. The people of Ireland love Notre Dame and what they represent.

What everyone needs to realize is that there is a simple way to compromise that would leave everyone happy. Get rid of the cartoon caricature and replace it with an actual fighting Irishman. We know just the guy.
