Rob Gronkowski Is Now On Tom Brady’s Insane Diet, But He Made One Important Change So He Can Still Drink



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Tom Brady is 40 years old and he’s one of best quarterbacks in the NFL, something that’s been true for years. One of the things Brady credits for his incredible staying power is a strict diet that forbids a long list of things that most of us mortals eat, such as white sugar, white flour, coffee, dairy and tomatoes. 

Sounds miserable, right? Not to Rob Gronkowski. The Pats tight end is 12 years younger than Brady, but he has a much more extensive injury history. So in an effort to stay on the field in 2017, Gronk has adopted the Brady way. 

Gronk video

“Just looking at Tom, seeing what he does every day, what he eats, talking to him, personally one-on-one, just learning about the body with him, just seeing how flexible he is, how pliable he is, how loose he is all the time, every day and ready to go, I just felt like it was the time in my career where I needed to devote myself at all levels,” Gronk recently told the Boston Herald when explaining why he’s working toward adopting Brady’s diet. 

Still, Gronk says, he hasn’t “lost a single pound. But my body is working more efficiently. Everyone thinks I’m skinnier.”

The weight loss may come once Gronk commits himself to the diet more completely. For now, he’s on a modified version that allows for one very important thing: Booze. 

Brady doesn’t drink, but as a hard partying Gronk wasn’t quite ready to give up that extremely important aspect of his bro-tastic lifestyle. But he makes it fit into the routine. For every drink he has, be it alcohol or coffee, he has to drink three cups of water. 

So how much water is Gronk drinking these days? “Tons,” the Herald says. 

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