Tiger Woods Says PGA Should Let Golfers Wear Shorts During Tournaments

“Even with my little chicken legs, I still would like to wear shorts.”

Tiger Woods promo cut
Tiger Woods in shorts

Tiger Woods is still a young man, but he’s been a golfer since he could damn near walk, so he definitely has opinions—and pretty common sense opinions at that.

For instance, he thinks it doesn’t make a lot of sense that it’s mandatory in the PGA for golfers to wear pants, not shorts. 

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Earlier this week Woods expressed his feelings during Facebook Live session for Bridgestone Golf. Apparently there’s a movement afoot to allow shorts on Tour, and he’s into it.

He said he’d “love it.” Then he made an excellent point. “We play in some of the hottest climates on the planet.” 

“We usually travel with the sun,” Woods said, “and a lot of our events are played in the summer, and then on top of that when we have the winter months here a lot of the guys go down to South Africa and Australia where it’s summer down there.”

Then he noted the most salient point of all, saying “a lot of the tournaments are based right around the equator so we play in some of the hottest places on the planet.” It probably doesn’t get much hotter than the equator. 

Woods continued, saying he’d still like to wear shorts “even with my little chicken legs.”

You don’t have to be a golfer to see his point, even if you’d rather avoid seeing Woods’s “chicken legs.” 

Just as long as golf pros aren’t allowed to wear cargo shorts. That’d just be wrong.

