Marvel Is Now Making Nerd Fashion

They’re swooping in to save the day from an unrelenting army of faded Spiderman t-shirts and Hulk pajamas.

Chic nerds, your day has come; dorks, your duds have arrived. Marvel, the fantasy juggernaut, has collaborated with Four Five Club to produce a menswear line that combines modern, low-key style with hidden, primary-color flashes that indicate where the wearer’s heart truly lies—not on the streets of Milan, but in Spiderman’s webby hands.

The suit, for example, appears to be a standard, slim-cut 3-button until you find that the lining is a colorful collage of most of the characters in the Marvel Universe. We couldn’t recommend the clothing outright (it’s bad when a suit looks lumpen even on a model), but the subtle touches (an Avenger’s lapel button, a hoodie with Captain America stripes, etc.) will appeal to the more sartorially-inclined basement dwellers who might find that—once they’ve donned something from the new collection—any of a number of veritable Mary Janes suddenly have an interest in divesting them of their new attire.

[Prices TBD;]

Photos by From Twitter

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