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Can our own intrepid Katie Santino make it through this grueling ordeal? Yes! Kind of…
Sick of working out by yourself? Try it with your partner!
Get a core of solid iron with this punishing routine.
Lunges getting too easy? Try it with a sandbag. Or a sandwich, if you're lazy.
The end is in sight! Just keep it going a little longer…
Did you think you were done? Not yet! Not until you've tried these multi-directional lunges!
Bored of your usual workout? Try mixing in some breakdancing…
Prepare to be shredded! Or in our case, just exhausted.
The good news: We're about to get your legs in shape! The bad news: You can't do this sitting down.
Time for some strength conditioning. For you, at least. We're content to be weaklings.