Gigi Hadid Slams Body Shamers for Calling Her ‘Too Skinny’

The supermodel who was once called “too curvy” is now being criticized for being too thin.

Gigi Hadid makes millions for her absurdly good looks. So it seemed downright bizarre that she was recently attacked by online “body shamers” who said the supermodel was becoming too thin.

Hadid blasted her critics in a fiery thread of tweets, saying her recent weight loss was caused by her battle with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease.

It appeared that critics who once called her too “curvy” for the runway were now saying she was too skinny. She just can’t win!

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is caused by the immune system attacking the thyroid gland, which damages it and causes it to swell. This leads to a host of hormone imbalances and, yes, weight fluctuation.

Gigi says her “extreme fatigue and metabolism issues” have since leveled out after being “properly medicated.”

Her metabolism sorting itself out would explain why she appeared slimmer at the recent Jeremy Scott and Bottega Veneta shows during New York Fashion Week. She looked fine to us!

It’s not the first time she had taken on the trolls. Back in 2015, she sounded off about online comments that said she was too shapely to model.

“I have a butt, I have thighs, but I’m not asking for special treatment,” she wrote.

This whole thing is just absurd. See what we mean, here:
