Happy Birthday to the Amazing Scarlett Johansson

It’s ScarJo’s world, we’re just living in it.

Today is Scarlett Johansson’s 31st birthday. The chameleon-like star of hits ranging from Lost in Translation to the Avengers films is stunning no matter where we see her, but it may be when she’s losing herself in a role that Johansson’s inner fire shines most bright.

Even though she’s a slight 5’3″, Johansson has been utterly convincing in ass-kicking  roles such as Avengers superspy Black Widow and in the title role of Lucy, a sci-fi thriller which follows a young woman’s journey from inadvertent drug trafficker to god-like superhuman. 

Click through for images from some of “ScarJo’s” most memorable roles, and marvel at the multitudes she contains within.

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