Hot 10: Agnes Olech

This Polish actress is looking for a man with confidence (and good posture).

Agnes Olech always wanted to make people laugh. The gorgeous actress emigrated from Poland to California in the mid-nineties; her wandering mind and constant day dreams as a child led her to pursue a career in entertainment, where those dreams could become a reality. Now, she’s doing just that. Beginning with a few TV movies, Agnes’ talent and charisma evolved to land her spots on WorkaholicsCastle, and Reno 911. Her latest gig had her tangled in LA’s crime world opposite Colin Farrell, Rachel McAdams, and Taylor Kitsch on HBO’s hit anthology series, True Detective. Even with the season’s mediocre reviews, we’d watch the repeats just to catch another glimpse of this stunning starlet.

Agnes filled Maxim in on all things avocado, telling dirty jokes, and her love for blondes.

1) What’s your favorite curse to use?

Well, Fuck. That’s a hard fucking question. There are just so many ducking (fucking auto correct on my iPhone) good ones out there. Next question please!

2) What do you wear when you want to feel the sexiest?   

A little black bikini…on a beach. It’s the environment that makes me feel so carefree and comfortable. The sun, water, ocean breeze. All those elements are sexy to me.

3) Any favorite drinks in mind?

A margarita. Rocks with salt. Tequila all the way. Judging from my last question’s answer I should just move to a beach town in Mexico.

4) What about a favorite part of your body?

Does my hair count? It’s freaking curly and big. I used to hate it growing up but now it’s makes me feel spunky and wild.  

5) How does a guy go about grabbing your attention?

If he’s funny and he dances my heart will skip a beat. Nothing better than a guy who has an awesome sense of humor and can make me laugh. I like the more gutter humor so bring it with the dirty jokes.

6) If he wanted to take you on a date, what would you do?

A little In and Out Burger to-go (grilled chz for me). Take it up to Griffith Park for a sunset picnic. Oh, and bring the margaritas.

7) Are burgers your favorite food?

Avocado. I put in on EVERYTHING. My eggs in the morning. My lunch. My dinner. There is one always there. I need an avocado tree ASAP.

8) How do you like your man to be groomed?

I really don’t have a preference as long as he’s hygienic. I like a nice smelling man. And keep your hands and feet manicured. That’s more important than a hairstyle or facial hair to me.

9) Any ladies you would want to see on the Maxim Hot 100?

Anna Faris. Elizabeth Banks. Hillary Clinton. I guess I like blondes.

10) So what’s next for you?

I actually just got engaged in Puerto Rico last week so maybe a little wedding planning. 

Photos by Roger Snider
