Iskra Lawrence Shares Stunning Bikini Pic for a Surprising Reason

“Give your energy to embracing who you are.”

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It’s easy for many to look at models of all shapes and sizes and think, “I wish I looked like that.” Everyone does it at some point, and it’s normal.

British stunner and Aerie spokesmodel Iskra Lawrence wants her fans to know that sometimes this isn’t good for anyone’s mindset.

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She posted a candid Insta of herself in a black bikini and in her caption, addressed the issue directly.

I read one of your comments yesterday that said “if I looked like her all my problems would go away”. Maybe it was said in jest but thoughts turn into consciousness, and in turn can start to affect our mindset, outlook, and how we view ourselves. Which in turn will eventually be your reality – I used to think like that. I’d look at pictures of slimmer models that were highly successful and believe if I looked like them (including the unrealistic photoshop) that I would also have a more successful career, love life, I’d be happier and life would be better.

But those thoughts only lead to your own dissatisfaction with yourself, your body and your life.(For me this lead me to have body dysmorphia and an ED and I’m grateful I was able to recover and become the woman I am today, who knows my self worth.) When in reality, you can never be someone else.

But no one can ever be you either. And that makes you one of a kind, so never forget you are meant to be you. Give your energy to embracing who you are and what you can bring to the table and to others and to this world, by being you.

Because God made you you for a reason, so let your unique self shine and radiate love, confidence and enoughness.

“Enoughness” is a great word, if you think about it.

This is an unusually honest admission even from a woman whose modeling career has always been marked by straightforward body positivity and self-acceptance. 

Lawrence mentioned ED (eating disorder) and that’s a sadly common problem for people who make a living with their bodies—models and actors alike. 

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But so is body dysmorphia, a psychological disorder in which the sufferer becomes convinced their body isn’t perfect and will sometimes starve themselves or exercise to excess. 

You have to respect Lawrence for her concern for others. It’s good she’s come around to self-acceptance though. She obviously looks incredible just the way she is.

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