Explore the History of French Erotica With 10 Vintage Lui Covers

Say “oui” to the sexy French mag that’s renowned for its amazingly sexy covers.


The French love of nudity has long been embraced in the pages of Lui, the high-end erotic glossy with a storied history of featuring beautiful women au naturale.

Since it began printing in 1963, countless cover models, from Brigitte Bardot to Jane Birkin and beyond, have flashed décolleté and derrière for the Lui’s playfully sensual spreads. That impressive pedigree continues today with contemporary cover models like Rita Ora and Lily Aldridge. But for right now at least, we’re kind of feeling the throwback vibe. 

So let’s revisit some old-school erotica with ten vintage Lui covers from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, shall we?


Want more? Check out the Lui Instagram page for additional vintage shots, which they post every #ThrowbackThursday.
