Maxim Video Rewind: Miss Maxim Ukraine

Hop aboard our wayback machine as we travel to the year 2006, when we trained our video lens on the super-sexy Tatyana Romanchuk.

We’re unlocking our video vault to bring you one of our favorite moments in time, featuring Tatyana Romanchuk, our 2006 Miss Maxim Ukraine. We recall two things from this photo shoot: 1) No matter how many times we asked, she just wouldn’t say “moose and squirrel” for us. 2) We didn’t know what the hell she was saying the entire time. Fortunately, we’ve since been able to loosely translate some of her Ukrainian speak from the beginning of this video. According to our Ukrainian intern, she’s saying something about “you’re not the REAL Brad Pitt… and get away from me with that camera.” Hmmm…regardless, we think the video came out quite nice.,AAABnwxt8sE~,TdyFq09iMr7kioKT_wX2C8w8xLyk5_f2&bctid=1853948505001

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