Meet Maxim Cover Girl Competition Runner Up Lacey Asher
This beautiful race car driver, model and Taekwondo black belt is a force to be reckoned with.

Race car driver, model, businesswoman, adrenaline junky—meet Lacey Asher, first runner up in the Maxim Cover Girl competition. This low-maintenance, high-octane beauty loves nothing more than to put the pedal to the metal in all of life’s adventures, especially racing, her primary passion.
With a Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) competition license, Lacey is ready to take her racing career to the next level, and is hopeful that the recognition from this incredible experience will connect her with great people and organizations that can help get her the right sponsors.

But there’s more. This badass babe is also an expert in combat sports, holding a second-degree black belt in Tae kwon do, and is also active in boxing, skydiving, target practice, and go karts. The sweet Texas girl does it all in stride and believes in the power of positive thinking.
“I’m a big believer that with a positive attitude and hard work, you can accomplish anything!” she says. “At home, on the track, and in my charity endeavors, I always set my goals high. I also think a smile and simple acts of kindness go a long way. Be happy and spread happiness is my mantra.”

It’s not all about sports, though, as Lacey is a woman of many talents. Being a successful businesswoman is also very important to her. Over the past decade, Lacey has been expanding her professional abilities, including working as a computer interface analyst. And when it comes to dating, it’s no surprise that Lacey much prefers an active outing. Asked to describe her ideal date, she replies, “A night at the go kart track or a jog on the beach. I just love racing and fitness.”
Lacey also finds a sense of humor the most attractive trait in a man. “If you can make me laugh, that’s much more important than looks to me,” she reveals. With her love for everything racing related, it’s not surprising that her celebrity man crush is Daniel Ricciardo, an Australian Formula One Driver with the Renault Team, and that her woman crush is former racing driver Danica Patrick.
At the end of the day, Lacey strives to be as positive as possible and wants to use the notoriety she gains from this journey to help worthy causes. She is thankful for the support from friends and family during this competition, and says her favorite part was raising money for Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors.