China Hosted a ‘Women’s Beautiful Buttocks’ Contest, And We’ve Got the Pictures to Prove It

The world is an amazing place.

Photo: Getty Images

Following in the gloriously butt-centric tradition of Brazil’s Miss Bum Bum contest, China hosted a “Women’s Beautiful Buttocks” competition, and the photos are both weirdly hot and kinda hilarious all at once. 

Just check out this dude with zero chill scoping out a contestant flexing serious butt moves at the Shengyang shopping mall where the competition was held. Maybe give her some room, buddy. Even the shirtless dude behind you is getting creeped out. 

Photo: Getty Images

Contestants traveled to the Liaoning province from all over China to flaunt their assets, and we’ve got the freaky photos to prove it. Hope you like chicks wearing  masks!

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

Seriously, though, can we start hosting these in American malls? It would be just the thing to check out when you’re waiting in line at Cinnabon.
