Paradise Hotel Girls

Where you’ve seen them: Sticking it out with nine other complete strangers for three months on an island oasis, Tara […]

Where you’ve seen them:
Sticking it out with nine other complete strangers for three months on an island oasis, Tara Gerard and Charla Pihlstrom come out tops to win reality show Paradise Hotel.

Fart joker:
“I brought whoopee cushions and gum that turns your mouth blue. I was always pulling pranks, but they didn’t show it.”—Tara

Candid camera:
“It was a seemingly ideal situation. But it did get stressful at times—for three months the only privacy we got was in the bathroom!”—Tara

Trading faces:
“I said I was Celine Dion’s body double for the Chrysler commercial, and this girl called me a liar. If I was lying, I would have said I was Britney Spears’ double!”—Tara

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