UFC’s Ronda Rousey Reveals Plan to Defeat the Undefeated Floyd Mayweather

Floyd might have a legitimate title contender on his hands.

Former Maxim cover girl Ronda Rousey is not one to back down from a fight (as we’ve learned), and she certainly didn’t when asked how she would take Floyd Mayweather, her partner in both notoriety and undefeated-ness.

“I would drop down to the ground and crawl over to him as fast as I can. I wouldn’t even stand up, I wouldn’t be near him. I would just do a little army crawl over there and he would have to run away. I would just be skittering after him like the one dude in Bloodsport that was doing the whole monkey crawl fight system. I would do that. I would just bear crawl over there, too low for him to hit me, and tackle him down. I spend a lot of time on the ground, and I doubt that he does.”

A bold statement, but also a smart strategy; standing toe-to-toe with arguably the best pound-for-pound boxer of all time would probably not bode well for the knockout. But getting Money Mayweather to the ground could be the great leveler that Rousey would need to pull off the W. Until contact sports get their “Battle of the Sexes” moment, we may never know who would come out on top. Hell, even if it was a possibility, we all know Mayweather has a bit of a history of avoiding getting in the ring with the person everyone wants to see him fight

Photos by Stephan Wurth
