What a Beautiful Girl Wants: Olga Safari

“A witty joke followed by a good conversation.”

Stunning Angeleno Olga Safari is one to watch.

The svelte brunette boasts over 125,000 Instagram followers, has modeled for the likes of Forever21 and has even set her sights on an acting career.

For now, she’s telling Maxim all about how to catch her eye, how to nail that first date and when she feels sexiest. Listen up.


How can a man catch your attention?
Definitely a witty joke followed by a good conversation. I think just talking and having a good time should then naturally lead to the guy asking for a date.


What’s the worst pick-up line you’ve ever heard?
“Do you come here often?” I can’t count how many times that’s actually been said to me.


How do you let a man know you’re interested?
I let a man know I’m interested by keeping communication open with him as much as possible and making time to see him even with a really busy work schedule.


What’s your ideal date?
I’m a sucker for a pretty view and laughing a lot. Definitely a dinner with a view by the beach and then a comedy show.


What about a man turns you on the most?
I like a guy who can be kind-hearted, funny, smart, hard-working, witty and knows what he wants all in one. It’s rare to find that combination.


When do you feel sexiest?
When I’m in my favorite outfit that flatters my body the most.


What’s the secret to a sexy selfie?
I think it’s all about the lighting and angles.


Lastly, what’s your guiltiest pleasure?
I love ice-cream, chocolate and most sweets.


For more, follow Olga Safari on Instagram.
