The Women the Maxim Staff Wants to See on the $10 Bill
The Treasury Department really, really wants us to vote for the woman who’ll be on the $10 bill. Here are our picks.
There will be a woman on the $10 bill by 2020. That much we know. What we don’t know is who the woman will be — or why the U.S. Department of the Treasury is booting Alexander Hamilton off the $10, instead of kicking Andrew Jackson, who was responsible for the fucking Trail of Tears, off the $20. But I digress.
The Treasury Department wants your input. They want it so badly, in fact, that they released a video today begging the public to vote for which woman they’d like to see on the $10 bill. (Side note: Why does John Kerry always act like America’s weariest man? Someone get that man and double espresso and book him a spa vacation, stat.)
American history is full of remarkable women who helped shape our country into what it is today, so it’s no wonder that it’s been difficult to choose just one to put on our currency. Harriet Tubman and Susan B. Anthony have been cited as top picks, but you can put your own two cents in either at the New 10 site or on social media by tagging your post #TheNew10.
Here at Maxim, the staff rounded up our favorite pop culture icons who’ll likely never be in the running — but we can dream, because it’s the internet. So here’s who we’d love to see on the $10 bill.
Gabriella Paiella – Senior Editor: Not only is Oprah an enterprising, influential businesswoman, but she spent years teaching millions how to live their best lives. Plus, she loves to give people free shit. Oprah, you get a $10 bill! You get a $10 bill! You get a $10 bill!
Ellen Killoran – Contributing Writer: Gayle King could have her best friend Oprah just bankroll her life, but instead she is one of the hardest-working women in the media industry. She wakes up every day at 3:30 to co-host CBS This Morning with Charlie Rose, and THEN goes to her day job as Editor-at-Large of O Magazine. But more importantly. she is the Queen of DGAF: She is not afraid to make sex jokes on the air, watch the Breaking Bad finale with Charlie Rose, or wear intentionally mismatched shoes. She still uses a flip phone and DGAF what you think.
Sean Abrams – Associate Editor: Viola Davis has proved with her history-making Emmy win that she’s a serious BAMF. While her facial recognition is probably more deserving of a crisp fifty, the ten will have to do.
Steve Huff – Contributing Editor: I’d vote for Taylor Swift on the $10. Given her current trajectory — and a recent prediction made by the venerable futurists at Saturday Night Live— she’s going to end up on currency of some kind eventually, anyway.
Jared Keller – Deputy Editor: I’d want to see Marion Cotillard. Sure, she’s French, but if we can let a giant French gal watch over New York City, why can’t we have her lovely smile emblazoned across our currency?
Brittany Vincent – Contributing Writer: I’d go with Elizabeth Cady Stanton for fighting so that women could get the vote. I’ve got a big mouth and I’d probably just scream and curse a lot until I got results. I’m sure she did it a lot more eloquently than I could.
Mikelle Street – Associate Editor: Beyoncé. The least we can do is show our appreciation for the star by putting her on currency. And while it might not have her calling us Baby Boy, it’s a step up from just signing our fan letters with XO.
Kelly McClure – Contributing Writer: Tina Fey is a strong woman, a comedian, a director, a producer, a mom, a business woman, she has all the characteristics needed to validate your ability to “get dat money” and then immediately spend it on something ridiculous.
Ali Drucker – Senior Editor: Stop looking.There is no other acceptable choice for the 10-dollar bill than the UFC queen herself, her majestyRonda Rousey. From her frighteningly sexy moves in the ring to her stance against Do Nothing Bitches everywhere, Ronda represents everything good and right about America. In Ronda we trust.