7 Cocktails To Celebrate Star Wars Day
May the fourth be with you! Let’s drink!

May the fourth be with you! Let’s drink! You know what they say: “Aint no party like a Mos Eisley Party!” We cooked up seven cocktails for the perfect Star Wars Day Party, inspired by the characters of Star Wars and your own real-life party guests.
1. Chewie’s Drambuie
Inspired by the lovable Chewbacca, this cocktail combines Drambuie with Crabbies Alcoholic Ginger Beer, giving us a nice spicy liquorice drink. Serve it in a coupe (re: glass booby) and garnish with a lemon slice, because Chewy was classier than you think. Give this to your pal who is fancy and has great hair. But beware: too many of these and he’ll be moaning Wookie-style.
½ shot Drambuie
1/3 bottle Crabbie’s Ginger Beer
1 Slice lemon – garnish
2. Darth Vadorade
Darth Vader… so awesome, so misunderstood. We began with the totally underused cocktail base, Gatorade, and went with a mega underused rum, Bacardi Grape. We added a bit of Sombra Mezcal for a smoky effect that reminds us of Darthy’s huffin’ and puffin’. Serve it to your grumpiest, most secretive buddy. Then get him to tell you his secrets.
12 oz. Grape Gatorade
½ shot Bacardi Arctic Grape Rum
½ shot Mezcal Sombra
3. C Pee-Pee O
Ever wonder what C3PO’s pee would be like? Now you don’t have to, because we just invented it! Get a giant mug, fill it with two bottles of cold summer ale (we chose Brooklyn’s), and drop a Goldschlager bomb in it for extra goldiness. This wasn’t bad at all, if you like cinnamon beer! Everyone should try this!
1 shot Goldschlager
2 bottles Brooklyn Summer Ale
4. Meth Star
Check it. We got our grubby hands on some Four Loko to make one deathly, methly cocktail. This delicious, bubbly watermelon crunk juice served as our base. We added ice, a dash of sriracha bitters, and Stoli Hot, and challenged ourselves to a little esophagus vandalism. Don’t let the pink fool you; this stuff ain’t for bitches, so serve it to your most badass of friends or the friend who thinks he’s the baddest ass but really isn’t.
6 oz. Four Loko (Watermelon)
1/3 shot Stolichnaya Jalapeno Vodka
1 dash Sriracha bitters
5. Java the Hut
Wake up and smell the Tatooine dust with this coffee-based drink. We used our trusty Keurig coffee for the base, but any kind will work. Add some half and half if you want, and then a shot of Patron XO Cafe with a dash of chocolate bitters. Serve it to your laziest, sleepiest friend.
4 oz. Black coffee
1 shot Patron XO Café Dark
1 dash chocolate bitters
½ shot half and half
6. Jar Jar Drinks
Hey, look, it’s a super sweet but kind of annoyingly kitschy-quirky cocktail in a JAR. Remind you of anyone? Maybe the worst Star Wars character of all time? We used Sutra Sparkling Peach Liqueur as the base and added half a shot of Soho Lychee Liqueur, and another half shot of Cruzan Key Lime Rum. Serve this to that guy who always shows up and ruins everything. He’s gotta drink something, right?
16 oz. Sutra Peach liqueur
1 dash peach bitters
½ a shot Soho Lychee Liqueur
½ a shot Key lime rum
7. Obi Wine Kenobi

This is a drink for your older, sophisticated friend with a crap-ton of knowledge about how things were back in the day. Just like Obi Wan! This Champagne-based drink has two half-shots of fruity vodkas to lighten up his mood.
½ flute Sparkling white wine
½ shot SKYY Infusions Vodka Infused with Moscato Grape
½ shot SVEDKA Strawberry Colada
Want more weird cocktails? Check out the 100 Ingredient Cocktail and Bar Maxim Awards.