Toast Eagles Legend Glenn Frey With This Tasty Tequila Sunrise Cocktail
This old world still looks the same.

Eagles co-founder Glenn Frey may be gone, but the drink he made famous endures. The Tequila Sunrise is a great way to attain that peaceful easy feeling, so why not mix up a few in Frey’s honor?
Keep in mind that these refreshing cocktails aren’t just for Eagles fans—though if you don’t like any of the band’s songs, you might not be much of a pop music lover. The Rolling Stones guzzled plenty of them, too, dubbing their famously decadent 1972 concerts the “cocaine and tequila sunrise tour.” And if it’s good enough for Glenn, Keith and Mick, it’s probably good enough for the rest of us.
Tequila Sunrise
- 1 1/2 oz. tequila
- 3 oz. orange juice (fresh-squeezed preferred)
- 1 teaspoon Grenadine
Shake well with ice, then pour into chilled Collins glass. Serve on the rocks, and feel free to garnish with an orange wedge.