This Pint-Sized Jamaican Trainer Is the Future of Fitness

He’ll whip your ass into shape for sure.

The YouTube video calls him “young Jamaican trainer.” It was posted by someone named Marlon Smith. And those are the only facts we have about this four-foot dynamo who’s probably going to be the next Billy Blanks. Or design the next P90x. Or be the next Tony Robbins.

There’s a lot to marvel at here, but we’ll start with the fact that kid does only three push-ups. But he’s not the muscle—despite the number of times he uses the word—he’s the motivator. He’s the mouth. Look at the way he pats his tired friend on the back and pumps up his brother. He’s a modern day Yul Brenner.

That first video was posed three days ago and it’s got 34,000 views. Since then a few more have popped up and they only further solidify this kid’s future as a motivational speaking fitness coach. Just look at him.

Now all he’s got to do is hire a camera man who knows how to turn his phone sideways.

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