Marijuana Could Help You Recover From Alcohol and Drug Addiction, New Study Reveals
It really is a miracle drug.

Potheads will tell you that smoking some grade A weed can actually cure everything from anxiety to acute inflammation. Some of those surprising health benefits may be wishful thinking, but a legitimate study published on has found promising evidence that marijuana could really help recovering drug and alcohol addicts.
Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego studied the “‘anti-relapse’ potential” of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis.
When a daily dose of CBD was administered to cocaine and alcohol-addicted rats, they became less likely to relapse.
Even more promising is that the subjects were less likely to seek drugs over a period of five months, long after their week-long CBD treatment ended.
According to the abstract, “the results provide proof of principle supporting potential of CBD in relapse prevention.”
Soon, you might be able to get perpetually-stoned roommate to put down the hash pipe by giving them a compound found in marijuana.
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Now that’s a mind-fuck.