Hot 10: Astrid Swan

This gorgeous fitness guru knows just how to make you sweat.

Astrid Swan wanted to be camera ready – on her own terms. After pursuing a modeling career in her early teens, the fitness fanatic found herself unwilling to sacrifice her health for the sake of a career.

“I was told that I needed to lose weight and I had 2 weeks to get down to the required measurements,” she told Maxim. “At that moment, I made a choice to be healthy and find smart ways to get my body camera ready compared to so many of my peers that were doing unhealthy, quick fixes.”

Now, following a seamless transition from modeling to training, Astrid has become one of the most sought-after personal trainers in the fitness game (for obvious reasons). When she’s not sculpting the bodies of some of Hollywood’s sexiest stars like Nina Dobrev and Julianne Hough, she’s commanding a dedicated group of gym rats looking to feel great and get their swole on as a master trainer for Barry’s Bootcamp

It’s about time you got motivated.

Astrid spoke with Maxim about showing off her body, favorite curses, and what’s next. 

1. If you weren’t a fitness trainer and you could do anything else (no training required), what would you be doing?

I would either be a dermatologist or a comedian. Two random occupations, I know!  I am obsessed with skin care and most people I meet end up asking if I do stand-up. I have a very witty tongue and sometimes to my parents demise, things just fly out of my mouth.

2. What would you say is your favorite curse word?

Well, I can get on a roll and have a mouth of a sailor but if I have to choose just one, it is ‘shit.’ So many ways to use it! For example, “Shit!” you missed the exit on the freeway or “Ahh Shit!” with a little bit of swagger because you just booked a job. Just with the inflection of your voice, you can play that word any way you want. Sorry Mom and Dad!

3. When you want to feel your sexiest, what do you wear?

Skinny jeans like JBrand, a fitted tank from Rag & Bone, and boots. I love the clean lines and simplicity of it. It shows off my body but I am still comfortable. I hate looking like I have spent 4 hours getting ready! Who has time for that?

4. What is your favorite part of your body?

My abs. I am so proud of my core, it is strong yet feminine. Some people ask if my abs just look this way or if they actually are strong.. they are.

5. If you had to pick a movie that you could repeatedly watch over and over again, what would it be?

The Proposal, mainly for the scene with Betty White and Sandra Bullock doing the ‘Get Low’ chant.  Cracks me up every time!

6. Do you have any girl crushes right now?

Gigi Hadid is stunning and I love her attitude toward life.  For being so young, she owns who she is and she rocks it.

7. Describe your ‘ideal’ date.

It would be quiet, not a scene restaurant, where you can actually hear and see the person sitting across from you and eat. I most likely will end up with food in my teeth but if you are going to like me, this is something you will have to deal with! Then after, go bowling or go cart racing. Perfect balance of getting to know someone on a deeper level and then just having fun.

8. How do you prefer your man to be groomed?

I love a clean shaved face. I know the trend right now is facial hair but I am not a fan. I want a face I can touch and a face I can see. As far as hair, as long as it is not as long as mine, we are good to go!

9 And what about men’s style – what are you into?

A great smelling cologne, first off. My sense of smell is a gift and a curse but if you smell good, yes please! And as for your outfit-of-the-day, I am open. I love a guy in jeans and a t-shirt but also love a great fitted suit.

10. So what’s next for you?

Living each day to the fullest, continuing to train and getting out my philosophy towards health, fitness, happiness out to the masses! 

All fired up? Check out the other sexy ladies to grace our ‘Hot 10’ column.

Photos by Brent Weber
