Hot Brit Camilla Luddington Wants Your Hot 100 Vote!

Last night, the sexy Grey’s Anatomy star told Conan that she wants to make our Hot 100. Give her a hand!

Last night, the sexy Grey’s Anatomy star told Conan that she wants to make our Hot 100. Give her a hand!

There are few honors in the world as meaningful as being on Maxim’s Hot 100 (the Nobel Peace Prize comes close). That’s why it’s no surprise that beautiful British actress Camilla Luddington would like to make the list for the very first time in 2013. As the Grey’s Anatomy star—and new voice, face, and body of Lara Croft—explained to Conan, she feels like last year she got stiffed. So check out the clip, then head here to vote for her if you find her argument compelling. It’s democracy in action! (Sexy democracy, that is.) 

Vote For the 2013 Hot 100

Danielle “Topanga” Fishel

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