7 Superfoods the ‘World’s Fittest Man’ Thinks You Should Eat

Because your diet can change your life.

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Dre Strohm

Rich Froning

Rich Froning Jr. has been called the “Fittest Man in History,” a nickname earned after he won four back-to-back individual CrossFit Games championships between 2011 and 2014.

It’s no surprise then, that Rich is a fitness expert and entrepreneur who hosts the podcast, Froning and Friends, and has some thoughts about how to eat right.

Rich in action.

“I don’t think there are any must-eat foods, but here are seven foods I tend to rely on and why,” Rich says. He adds that Renaissance Periodization (@RPStrength) a service offering online diet and training programs, also “helps me with my diet so I can train and recover optimally.” 

Here, seven of Rich’s go-to workout foods.

1. Steak

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“Lean steak cuts provide an excellent source of high-quality protein, and the taste is second to none! Chicken and turkey are great as well, but I prefer steak myself.”

2. Eggs

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“Eggs are not only one of the highest quality sources of protein, but they come stocked with various vitamins and minerals as well. Whole eggs are high-calorie foods, so I eat them in moderation.”

3. Greens

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“Broccoli, spinach, celery, and the like are excellent low-calorie foods that are densely packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber. Their ratio of nutritive value to calories can’t be beaten, and I eat them with most of my whole food meals.” 

4. Sweet Potatoes

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“One of my favorite sources of slow-digesting carbs to help me fuel up for and recover from my super hard workouts. Rice, pasta, and whole grain bread work great for this purpose as well, but I personally prefer sweet potatoes.” 

5. Fish

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“Various kinds of fish provide an abundant source of protein and are often leaner than other animal sources, so if I want my bodyweight to come down a bit, I can focus a bit more on fish and a bit less on protein sources like steak. Fish are also rich in Omega 3 fats, which are critical for basic health support.”

6. Workout Carbs


“I also work with Advocare so I drink their Rehydrate along with some protein during my workouts to keep me energized all the way through the finish. For my longer training sessions, intra-workout shakes like these are very helpful.”

7. Peanut Butter

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“Peanuts are a great source of some of the healthiest kinds of fats and can provide a lot of calories for my body’s high-level needs. And let’s be honest, peanut butter is delicious!”

Rich Froning Jr. owns and operates the CrossFit Mayhem gym in Cookeville, Tennessee.
