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October 22, 2016
Hackers leveraged web-connected DVRs and cameras.
June 9, 2016
And there's absolutely nothing the porn-hating terrorists can do about it.
Ash Carter Sec Def AP
April 6, 2016
The newest battlefield is online.
ISIS hacker army
March 18, 2016
They've issued a warning.
Police drone
March 4, 2016
This is probably just the first of many.
Power transmission lines eastern Europe
January 6, 2016
This is unprecedented — and terrifying.
Bowman Avenue Dam
December 23, 2015
Group warns Dept. of Energy: 'OpWinterIsComing'
October 29, 2015
"You are terrorists that hide your identities beneath sheets."
ISIS hacker army
September 11, 2015
The FBI is taking the threats seriously.