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May 26, 2016
Plus: Adam Sandler sings  for the troops and Chris Evans wants to be in ‘Spider Man: Homecoming.’
February 16, 2016
There’s actually a good reason why Hollywood Vampires were tapped for the tribute.
January 21, 2016
Tom Hanks is also in talks to join the drug saga’s cast.
September 20, 2015
A former Boston mob enforcer takes issue with Johnny Depp’s new biopic.
September 18, 2015
The Maxim review of the bone-chilling Boston crime drama.
September 4, 2015
Star Wars and The Hunger Games have hogged all the attention — but there’s so much more coming before the end of 2016.
August 26, 2015
You’ll never guess which celebrities are in this supergroup whose debut album drops in early September.