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(Left: Blue Origin, Right: Getty Images)
March 4, 2022
Davidson previously played a Mars colonist on a "Saturday Night Live" episode hosted by rival billionaire space racer Elon Musk.
(Getty Images)
February 4, 2022
The billionaire Amazon founder is temporarily deconstructing a Dutch landmark to get the world's largest sailing yacht to the U.S.
Blue Origin
June 13, 2021
The unnamed winner will pay approximately $2.7 million for each minute spent in space.
Jeff Bezos Blue Origin Promo
Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post via Getty Images
September 18, 2020
Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Lady Gaga, Brad Pitt, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry will reportedly be among the first space…
Virign Galactic Promo
Land Rover
May 13, 2019
Book your tickets now to become one of the world's first space tourists.