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‘Long Gone Summer’: Watch Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa Battle for MLB Home Run Record in ESPN Trailer
The latest "30 For 30" documentary focuses on the controversial home run race of 1998.

"It inspires the idea that in adapting to life situations, sometimes we have to flow smoothly as a stream, while…

Bruce Lee, Lance Armstrong, and the Mark McGwire/Sammy Sosa home run rivalry are getting the "30 for 30" treatment.

Check out this teaser for "Chuck & Tito," a fascinating documentary about the bad blood between the UFC's first superstars.
"Every man wanted to be me, because I had the nicest clothes, biggest cars and more women. And I was…

Watch the Minnesota Timberwolves Mock Dave Chappelle’s Awful Shooting In Hilarious ‘0-For-30’ Parody
He's 'Brick James,' bitch!